Sources for Traffic

Posted by Raj | 9:09 PM | 0 comments »

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic. It's what every website needs. No matter if you run an adult or non adult site. You need surfers to visit your page in order to make any kind of money in the internet business. So maybe your asking yourself right now. . .I have a website, how do I get visitors to my site. Well the answer to that question has many parts. There are many different things to do and you can employ one or all methods to get traffic to your site. I am only going to mention a few and allow the other website owners to post what methods have worked for them. This post will be in multiple parts, so check back again.

Sources for Traffic

Search Engines

This is probably the number 1 preferred way to get traffic to any website. Why? Well because this is the most targetted traffic you can get. This is someone going to the search engine, typing in keywords or key phrases and YOUR site popping up in the list. Now the trick is getting your site listed first and that is a discussion for another topic. I will cover that later. For now the important thing is getting you a list of some serch engines that you can tap into to get traffic to your website.

There are many search engines, thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of search engines out there. Too many to name all here. I am only going to focus on the top 12 search engines that matter. You want your site listed in these, because they account for 95% of the traffic on the web.

4. AOL -
5. Excite -
6. Ask Jeeves -
7. Altavista -
8. All the Web -
9. Hotbot -
10. Lycos -
11. Netscape -
12. Teoma -

You can probably get listed in the top 3 and do very well for yourself without the remaining 9. The first 3 control 85% of the traffic on the net today. I recommend getting listed in as many as you can. It doesn't hurt. The more engines you are listed, the more visitors to your site.

Asking yourself how do I get listed in these engines? Each engine has specific requirements. Go to each and submit according to their rules. I will tell you that many on the list you will need to pay for inclusion to the engine. Wait a minute! I do not have money to submit to 12 different search engines. Well, your in luck. If you are working with a limited budget, I would limit my marketing to the top 3. Why? one word. . . .FREE. That's right. It's free to submit your site to the top 3 engines on the list.

The top 3 you do not have to pay. You can go to the engine and submit your site. It can take months to get included if your site is lucky to get included at all. Do not have that long to wait? So is there a faster way to get listed, you may be asking. Absolutely. How? That's for another lesson. I will cover that when I get into discussing the big 3 SE's.

Next time we will talk about Web directories. Anoher source, but not as effective. For now, go out there, visit the top 12 engines, and get your site submitted.
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